Wellness Wednesday!
Resist the urge to suppress that big afternoon yawn.According to research from University of Vienna in Austria, yawning helps cool your brain, which in turn improves alertness and performance. Let’s...
Wellness Wednesday!
Daily GoodbyeEach morning, regardless of who has to get out first, my husband and I always says I love you and kisses good-bye (even when the other is asleep!). Then...
Wellness Wednesday!
Remove your shoes at your front door.Think about all the places you step prior to getting back into your home. This keeps all kinds of gross items out of your...
Wellness Wednesday!
Dance with your partner.Research shows that romance reduces the production of stress-related hormones. Dancing around the house for a few minutes leaves you feeling youthful and happy. Allow yourself the...
Wellness Wednesday!
Dance with your partner.Research shows that romance reduces the production of stress-related hormones. Dancing around the house for a few minutes leaves you feeling youthful and happy. Allow yourself the...
Wellness Wednesday!
Smile, even if you’d rather not.According to a University of Kansa study, even a fake smile can lower heart rate after a stressful event. So get to smiling!
Wellness Wednesday!
It has been shown that when you move from poor posture to good posture, you increase levels of energizing hormones, as well as feel-good serotonin, plus you decrease the stress...
Wellness Wednesday!
Enjoy a mini marathon of hilarious you tube videos.Every now and then I enjoy a few laughs, like a turtle chasing a man or boxing kangaroos. Yes, laughing lowers stress...
Wellness Wednesday!
Turn down the music.In a world with Beats by Dre, selling more and more. Many of us have taken to wearing earphones again; although larger earphones are safer for the...