Mental Health in the Black Community…

Mental Health in the Black Community…

Mental Health in the Black Community…

For many years I have heard people in the Black community pass judgment on others by using terms like, “crazy” or “touched”, to identify those that may suffer from mental illness.  This history of ignorance has created a huge stigma in our community.  The fact is, many Blacks do not believe or acknowledge mental illness as true medical condition.

When it comes to problems? Just pray.  Well that is one way to look at how God works, but another way to look at it is through the Spanish proverb, “Pray to God, but hammer away”. The stigma attached to mental illness in our community is associated with shame and disgrace, hiding that we either don’t believe or acknowledge there is a problem. This shame creates the view that anyone suffering from mental illness is a weak individual, does not have faith in God or is using a diagnosis as an excuse.  With these views placed on individuals who are mentally ill in our community, it causes them to believe they are the problem and have to suffer in silence.  This silence for many of those suffering means not seeking treatment and getting the support needed to improve their life.

If you or anyone you know is suffering in silence there is help.  Contact your local NAMI chapter  and/or department of human services.  Remember the help is out there and you are not alone.

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