Emotional Wellness For Vicarious Trauma
Vicarious trauma is the emotional residue from working with trauma survivors, hearing their stories, and witnessing the pain and terror they have endured. Vicarious trauma is a job hazard of working with people who have experienced trauma (Adapted from the American Counseling Association 2011).
REMEMBER!! It's a byproduct of the Helping Profession, NOT a sign of weakness!
Signs of Vicarious Trauma
Irritability Low Motivation
Apathy Anxiety
Sleep Disturbances Appetite Disturbance
Feeling Irritable Poor Communication
The purpose of these services is to help the Department of Human Services (DHS) employees create and maintain coping skills to alleviate the impact and possible indicators of vicarious trauma, compassion fatigue, and other work-related stress.
Individual Counseling Crisis Debriefings & Supportive Sessions:
Clients are provided 1-3 individual sessions upon request for child welfare, juvenile justice, or other designated staff involved with cases of a child fatality, near fatality, or any other potential workplace traumatizing events.
DHS Contact: 856.389.5458 ext. 8
Group Crisis Debriefings & Supportive Sessions:
This service would be utilized to debrief about a specific near fatality and any other potential workplace traumatizing incident. This group session type could also, be a beneficial way for staff to create and develop coping skills
to manage the experiences and possible indicators of vicarious trauma, compassion fatigue, and other work-related stress.
DHS Contact: 856.389.5458 ext. 8
Workshop Sessions:
Vicarious Trauma, Compassion Fatigue, Grief, Loss, and Stress exposure and how the exposure may affect employees. This service is employed to assist and support managing around vicarious trauma, compassion fatigue, and other work-related stress.
DHS Contact Info: workshops@rswellness.org
Please identify that you are from DHS when calling or emailing!